Inner Separation Anxiety (Part 2)
(continued from Part 1)
Let’s take this concept a step further and say that ALL separation anxiety is due to “inner separation” whether or not there’s a physical separation.
In other words, your child becomes anxious when s/he feels disconnected, and that feeling may be rooted in any type of separation — physical, mental, or spiritual — real or imagined.
If you believe you “have to” leave your child, your belief that you are powerless will separate you from your Self, and your child will feel that disconnectedness even before you leave!
When you stay connected to your authentic inner power, despite seemingly disempowering conditions, it soothes your child’s anxieties and your own. And the more you feel secure, the easier it is for you to form healthy connections with other adults, who in time may become “like family” to your child.
In other words, tending to your inner connectedness can help you create a “tribe” of nurturing partners whose presence in your child’s world can significantly reduce the incidence of separation anxiety.