Time-In (Part 2)

by Scott Noelle

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

As implied in Part 1, you must establish time-in as a positive, mutually pleasurable activity for it to become an effective parenting tool.

Don’t wait until your child is melting down to try time-in. Do “practice time-ins” when you think your child would enjoy the connection. And when you’re stressed, treat yourself to a time-in.

Use deep breathing, affirmations, or anything that helps you get centered. You might imagine that your Center is like a sphere of light that expands to include your child in its glow.

Experiment with different places and ways of doing time-in. The only “right” way to do it is the way that feels best to you and your child. Focus on your state of being... Stillness. Groundedness. Presence. Openness. Connecting. Oneness.

When it goes well you might say, “That was a lovely time-in, wasn’t it?!” Your child will then associate the word “time-in” with good feelings.

In Part 3, we’ll look at how time-in can replace time-outs when dealing with “problem behavior.”

Originally published on 2007-02-20
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