Inspiring, practical, brief messages to boost your daily groove.
How it works in a typical parenting situation.
Your emotions can guide you toward greater spiritual well-being.
When you ask this question, you might be unconsciously giving your power away.
Are you sacrificing the good for the right?
It's nice to know that you and your children are worthy of your heart's desires.
Would you rather be "nice" or authentic?
Correcting your child may have unintended consequences.
If what you're thinking about your child feels bad, don't buy it.
Maybe what you want for your kids is what you want for yourself, too.
The death of the old year makes the birth of a New Year possible.
Are you 'should-ing' on yourself?
It takes time for inner changes to be reflected in outer conditions.
The way to end the unwanted behavior of a child (without resorting to violence) is to stop trying to end it!
Kids whining? Anything you say or do while you're off center is likely to make things worse.
"You better watch out" and see good for goodness sake.
Every member of your family can fully receive the warmth of your love without depriving the others.
A child's flow is a powerful force, like the traffic on a highway.
You can be an idealistic parent without falling into the trap of perfectionism.
Is it possible that depression has the potential to bless you somehow?
Is your interpretation of your child's or partner's behavior sucking the power out of your partnership?