
Inspiring, practical, brief messages to boost your daily groove.

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2018-10-26Unconditionality vs. Desires

To desire something is not the same as being "attached" to it.

2018-10-24“What’s GOOD about that?”

How to practice the Art of Unconditionality in the face of "bad" conditions.

2018-10-22The Myth of Fairness

Taking rules too seriously can rob you of your inner power.

2018-10-19Terrible Two’s and Rebellious Teens... NOT!

What happens when young people are allowed to explore and express their authentic power?

2018-10-16Unadulterated Fun

Parenting is serious... But are you taking it too seriously?

2018-09-21The Art of Uplifting

To elevate another, you need to stay elevated yourself.

2018-09-10Boycott That Thought!

You can single-handedly put negative thoughts out of business in the marketplace of your mind.

2018-08-28Soccer Field Parenting

The "goal" is happiness, not control.

2018-08-08The Canary In the Coal Mine

Children's sensitivity is a blessing, and when parents take it seriously, everyone wins.

2018-08-06The Amazing Power of Grace

Sometimes you need to allow for a more miraculous solution...

2018-07-26The Power of Inner Freedom

You can have what you want... when you are free not to have it.

2018-07-16Small Body, Big Spirit

Mother Nature doesn't aim for mediocre.

2018-06-25What Is “YES-Energy”? (Part 2)

Here's what you're really saying yes to...

2018-06-20What Is “YES-Energy”? (Part 1)

It's not what you say, it's how you feel when you say it.

2018-06-16“I Feel Like Screaming!”

Your feelings are valid, but don't use them to justify violence.

2018-06-14The Power of Intention

Getting into a good groove doesn't happen by random luck.

2018-06-11Is Joy Knocking On Your Door?

Even when your child "misbehaves"... Joy knocks.

2018-06-02Power Is Your Friend

Is it time for a reconciliation between you and your power?

2018-05-30“Once Upon A Time” (Part 2)

Take a look at your unconscious storytelling.

2018-05-28“Once Upon A Time” (Part 1)

Everyone loves stories. But why?