Rethinking Sociality (Part 2)
If you did the mindfulness exercise in Part 1, you may have noticed that being socially appropriate (i.e., doing/saying the “right” thing) frequently requires you to be inauthentic.
For example, in certain public parenting situations you may feel social pressure to control your child when you’d rather be relaxed and accepting.
Quite often the real purpose of “being social” is to protect others from their own small-mindedness. Such is the case when mothers are pressured to avoid nursing in public.
So being authentic — even when it seems “anti-social” — may actually be more social, because it creates opportunities for others to question their limiting beliefs.
When you honor Who You Really Are — and you look beyond others’ disempowering beliefs to honor Who THEY Really Are — you contribute to the greater good of society.
Improve Your Groove
Today, whenever you choose authenticity over conventional sociality, decide that you are being social... They just don’t know it yet! :)