Subject: Relationships
If you're willing to hold the "hot potato" and not pass it on... Game over!
Learn the skill that lets you stop the blame game from sucking the life out of your relationships.
Take a look at your unconscious storytelling.
It's completely free, natural, and available anytime and anywhere (except underwater)...
Let Mother Nature teach you how to dance through life.
It's not nice to deprive others of opportunities to question their limiting beliefs.
When "being social" means sacrificing your authenticity, it's time to rethink sociality.
Why hold back when you can never run out?
Have you ever really considered what it takes to love unconditionally?
What's good for the goose is good for the gosling... and vice versa.
You might be surprised at how easily you can transform a "negative" emotion into a positive, pleasing, powerful connection.
Children at play can teach us a lot about practical happiness.
Make the distinction between 'pseudo-power' and the Real Deal.
Discover how to talk less and communicate more.
When you start making this distinction, the quality of your relationships will skyrocket!
Is your interpretation of your child's or partner's behavior sucking the power out of your partnership?
Expanding your perspective is a skill you can develop.
Next time you think your child, partner, friend, or anyone is being "evil" or "bad"... think again.
Let's look at Authenticity from every angle.
To be truly intimate with a question, you have to move in with it for a while.