Transcending Worry
Actuality is “what is,” in the now.
Possibility is “what could be,” in the future.
When you imagine possibilities, wanted or unwanted, you bring them closer to actuality through the Law of Attraction.
If you worry about the possibility of your teenager getting in a car accident or your toddler falling off the slide, you experience it almost as if it were actual, and you put out a vibe that influences them toward actualizing those (or similar) unwanted possibilities.
But when you imagine your teenager getting home safely or your toddler joyfully mastering the slide, you attract those desired possibilities instead.
So it’s good to shift from worry to a more positive focus, but the best way to do that is, paradoxically, to allow the worry to be.
When you’re willing to be present with the worry — to witness it without judging or resisting it — its underlying source begins to heal.