Transforming Anger (Part 2)

by Scott Noelle

(Continued from Part 1)

The transformation of anger begins with acceptance. When you resist anger, it persists, escalates into rage, or descends into depression.

Accepting anger doesn’t mean tolerating violence. The compulsion to express anger violently is a byproduct of our “dominator” culture in which force is confused with Authentic Power.

That compulsion can be greatly reduced if you dis-identify with your anger, which you can do by observing or “witnessing” it.

Take a deep breath and locate the sensation of anger in your body. Use your intuition to sense its subtle qualities. Can you feel its “edges”? What is its “shape,” “color,” “temperature,” “weight,” etc.?

Put aside all thoughts of right and wrong for now. Just observe the physical sensation and be present with it.

You are not the anger. You are the Witness, observing the anger. Let yourself be curious and eager to discover what anger can reveal. It wants you to remember Who You Really Are.

Originally published on 2006-07-28
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