Transforming Anger (Part 3)
(Continued from Part 2)
Once you make peace with your anger, you can harness its energy and use it creatively.
Remember, anger always arises from a perception of disempowerment. This must be a misperception because Who You Really Are is truly powerful!
So, to reconnect with your Authentic Power, the trick is to direct the anger at the misperception. Let yourself get really pissed off that this LIE has found its way into your mind! It’s a rude, obnoxious, uninvited guest!
Most important: Shift your thoughts as quickly as you can from being angry at the misperception to being determined to perceive the higher Truth. For example:
“Dammit! I’m sick and tired of believing that a child’s behavior can shut down my heart! My heart, and the Infinite Love that fills it, are so HUGE than nothing can stop them! Nothing but my belief, that is, but I’m NOT BUYING IT anymore! I AM powerful!! I CAN choose what I focus on!! And I AM DETERMINED to choose thoughts that open my heart!!!”
At this point in your thought process, you can really have some FUN with your aligned anger energy! For example:
“This is all bullshit anyway, because I know deep down that my kid is doing the best s/he can with what s/he’s got, and the real reason I’m mad is ‘cuz I’m imagining how my parents would react to that behavior... Like it’s any of their freakin’ business!! I don’t give a DAMN what my parents, or the neighbors, or ‘society’ thinks about my choices! I AM FREE TO BE THE KIND OF PARENT I WANT TO BE!!!“
Of course your thought process will vary depending on the situation. The overall strategy is to transform your anger into a passionate determination to connect with your Inner Power and Freedom.
Authentic empowerment feels WAY better than the shallow satisfaction of forced compliance. And once your heart is open again, all sorts of creative solutions will come flooding in!