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2016-06-24Can We Be Real?

Let's look at Authenticity from every angle.

2016-06-18Embodying the PATH

Can you feel the love?

2016-06-10You Won’t Lose Any Sleep Over This...

Neither literally, metaphorically, nor euphemistically.

2016-06-03Shameless Parenting

In the absence of shame, partnership remains.

2016-05-27Parenting... It Gets Better!

The more we co-create, the better it gets!

2016-05-20“Let’s talk about... um... ya know...”

Lots of learning and growth opportunities in Grooveland these days...

2016-05-13Contemplation Rocks!

Have you been exploring the new Question of the Month?

2016-05-06Using The Daily Groove for Deep Learning

A little extra attention can yield a lot of empowering insight.

2016-04-30Question Everything!

The more you ask, the more you learn...

2016-04-23Breaking Up With Fear

Are you letting fear run amok in your life?

2016-04-04We’ve Come a Long Way!

Can one book alter your life path? For me, the answer is hell, yes!

2016-03-05Authoritarianism on the Rise?

This is what happens when people let fear trump love...

2016-02-15Addicted to Love?

...Or is love the cure for addiction?

2016-01-25I’m... Off to See the Blizzard!

A new take on an old film, and much more...

2016-01-17Reality Check (Great Books + Travel Update)

I love books that blow my mind. Here are a few that have...

2016-01-10Chillin’ Out in the New Year

It's 2016, and resistance is still futile! :)

2015-12-26More Power for the Holidays

Or "how to make your heart grow three sizes in one day..."

2015-12-21The Best Gift Anyone Can Give Love -- but "giving" isn't the best word for this gift.

2015-12-12Is Real Intimacy Going Extinct?

Don't let deep, real-life connections become a thing of the past.

2015-11-28What is “Attachment Inequality”?

Like wealth inequality, attachment inequality is both unjust and unsustainable.